By underwriting student membership for midshipmen and cadets now enrolled in the U.S. Naval Academy, U.S. Coast Guard Academy, or NROTC program, as well as officer candidates and instructors, donors have the opportunity to bring the benefits of Naval Institute membership directly to the next generation of naval officers and help them advance as leaders. This is also a particularly effective way to honor one’s alma mater by boosting fellow alumni . . . while also strengthening the Sea Services and supporting the Institute.
Student Membership can also be gifted to individuals enrolled in the Naval War College, Naval Postgraduate School, or Division Officer School (i.e., SWOS Basic School).
Your tax-deductible gift provides these young leaders with a year of Naval Institute membership, including:
- Proceedings (in print and digital formats)
- Online access to archives
- Access to online forums
- Member-discounts
- Access to the Naval Wiki
Academies & Colleges
Prairie View A&M University
Prairie View A&M University is part of the Houston Consortium.
- Mr. Dirk P.D. Mosis III
Rice University
Rice University is part of the Houston Consortium.
Cross-Town Affiliates:
- Houston Baptist University
- Texas Southern University
- University of Houston (University Park Campus).
- Mr. Dirk P.D. Mosis III
Texas A&M University
Cross-Town Affiliate:
- Texas A&M University at Galveston
- CDR Brian C. Hayes, USNR (Ret.)
- Dr. Brian Hennings
University of Arizona
- Mr. Thomas Peyatt
University of New Mexico
Cross-Town Affiliate:
- Central New Mexico Community College
University of Oklahoma
University of Texas
Cross-Town Affiliate:
- Huston-Tillotson University
- CAPT Dave Adams, USN (Ret.) | University of Texas Class of 1990