The Naval Institute is a preeminent thought leader with a widely recognized brand. Its media – print and electronic – and conferences play a major role in debates on all naval issues. Corporations that partner with the Naval Institute will show they intend to play a constructive role in the open forum, encouraging and learning from those differing views, demonstrate their commitment to cost-effective, secure solutions for the Navy and Marine Corps, and illustrate their commitment to Sailors and Marines of all ranks.
The Naval Institute has developed and cultivated a variety of mutually beneficial relationships with corporations over the years. Corporations provide philanthropic support to a myriad of programs including:

Bring the Independent Forum to Life: Conferences and Events
Naval Institute professional conferences bring together preeminent military and civilian leaders, historians and policy-makers to discuss challenges to the naval services and to the Nation. These popular events provide the opportunity for sponsors to position themselves as dedicated supporters of the Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard, and illustrates that the sponsor intends to play a constructive role in timely debate by fostering informed discussion of important naval issues. The Naval Institute also hosts a number of member receptions and special events around the country, giving sponsors other avenues to demonstrate their support for the Sea Services. Underwriting conferences and events provides the sponsor with recognition opportunities in print and online as well as on-site.

Encourage the Dare Factor: Essay Contests
Essay Contests have been part of the Naval Institute’s fabric since 13 June 1878. On that date, with Commander Alfred Thayer Mahan serving as the chair and vice president of the Naval Institute, Commander William T. Sampson delivered his committee’s proposed rules for the Prize Essay Contest. The proposal was adopted without change, creating the Naval Institute’s first essay contest–now the General Prize Essay Contest. Naval Institute writing competitions have delivered daring, innovative, and stimulating thought—often from contributors who might not previously have seen themselves as writers. And fully 75% of contest entrants are active-duty military professionals. Currently, the Naval Institute sponsors essay contests ranging from the CNO Naval History Essay Contest to the Marine Corps Essay Contest to the Midshipman and Cadet Essay Contest. The bottom lin e in all these contests is the Institute’s commitment to finding and publishing the best ideas and authors who dare to write to advance the naval profession. With support, the Institute will expand the scope of its essay contests to address critical components of naval warfare and issues specific to each service.