Day-in and day-out, since 1873, the Naval Institute has fostered challenging debate and delivered what is hands-down the world’s most vigorous independent forum on defense and security issues. We advance the naval profession. We preserve the United States’ naval history. We increase understanding of American naval power.
With the support of members and donors, the Naval Institute intends to extend its reach even further, deepen its connection to history, and bring this history newly alive for current and future generations. While unrestricted giving allows the Institute the greatest flexibility to use philanthropic dollars where they are needed most, the following restricted projects provide donors with giving options where they can specify exactly what they would like their donations to support.

Proceedings Magazine
Widely admired as the best defense magazine in the world – it is the open forum.

The James Stavridis Proceedings Chair
Directs periodicals and is the editor-in-chief of Proceedings.

Essay Contests
Stimulating thought from the smartest naval practitioners and operators since 1879.

Conferences and Events
Bringing the open forum to life via in-person discussions and engagement.

Sponsoring Student Memberships
Introduces the Institute to midshipmen and cadets early in their careers.

The Naval Institute Press
The university press of the Navy and a leader in naval publishing since 1898.

The Gordon England Chair of Professional Naval Literature
Directs the professional naval books program.

Historic Preservation
Keeps alive the lessons of naval history through the creation of primary-source history.