In 2013, USNI News was launched through unrestricted donations received by the Naval Institute Foundation. The vision? An independent news and analysis service focused on maritime and national security issues written by knowledgeable journalists and analysts who not only understand the densely interconnected world of navies and maritime commerce, but who also can explain it clearly to the general public.
For our growing market of international maritime and defense news readers, we are thrilled with the success of USNI News and want to expand our tools to keep our news and analysis fresh, exciting, and informative. We put our effort toward original reporting. We’re not repackaging someone else’s story and we’re not generating content just for clicks.
USNI News has more reporters covering the Navy than any other trade news outlet. USNI News reporters are out in the field, every day, delivering relevant news straight from the newsmakers. Whether it’s at a Congressional hearing in DC or aboard an aircraft carrier in the Middle East, we’ll be there to cover it.
For more information on how you can support USNI News, please contact the Naval Institute Foundation at (410) 295-1054 or [email protected]. Or make a direct contribution today as part of your gift to the Institute’s comprehensive campaign.